Help the body to improve the functions of the spine Exercise 1Exercise 2Exercise 3Exercise 4Exercise 5 Physical visual trainingThis is restricted content. You can buy the course in the store of the Health Club 100+ Visualize pulsationsThis is restricted content. You can buy the course in the store of the Health Club 100+ 3. Visualize pulsations This is restricted content. You can buy the course in the store of the Health Club 100+ Visualize stretchingThis is restricted content. You can buy the course in the store of the Health Club 100+ Hands EnergyThis is restricted content. You can buy the course in the store of the Health Club 100+ Other exercises Module 1 Normalize the blood pressure Improve the functions of the spine Strengthen the respiratory system Strengthen female health Module 2 Help your body to loose weight Balance the hormones Improve the immune system Improve the joints (upper) Improve the joints (lower) Module 3 Eliminate insomnia Improve the gastrointestinal tract Improve the urinary system Strengthen your teeth Module 4 Improve on your beauty Improve your eyes’ functions Normalize regulatory functions Strengthen your muscles and reduce bodily fat